6 ways you can keep your brain young

Just like the rest of our bodies, our brain also ages. Signs of an ageing brain include things such as memory loss, difficulty focusing, and even brain fog. And, while it’s inevitable that our brains age, it is possible to prevent the vital organ from ageing prematurely. In this article, we’re going to look at 6 ways you can keep your brain young and functioning at its best!

1. Try cognitive brain exercises

Our brains require training to keep healthy and there are many ways you can incorporate cognitive brain exercises into your lifestyle. While you won’t need to take to a Rubik’s cube every day, it is a good idea to occasionally test your brain’s cognitive abilities. Once or twice a week, try a memory-oriented mobile game or even get together with friends for a riddle-themed puzzle night.

2. Eat well and mindfully

Eating healthy foods that will contribute to your brain health is going to help keep it in tip-top shape. Foods that your brain loves include fatty fish, nuts, blueberries, turmeric, broccoli, dark chocolate, and leafy vegetables. By maintaining a healthy diet that includes some of these foods you’ll be helping to keep your brain healthy and young.

3. Use NAD+ supplements

NAD is a molecule in our body responsible for providing energy, replenishing cells, and fighting off ageing. As we grow older, our NAD levels begin to decrease naturally, however, by taking a NAD+ supplement you can ensure that your body and brain receive enough of this energy supplying molecule. Supplements are great for optimising brain performance, fortifying your immune system, and fighting off signs of ageing and fatigue.

4. Move your body

Exercise, exercise, exercise! Moving your body and getting that heart rate pumping is so beneficial for your brain health. This is because when we exercise we are pumping more oxygen to the brain which encourages the growth of new, healthy brain cells. Exercising regularly will also promote brain plasticity and helps to form important connections between different areas of the brain.

5. Sleep well

The amount of sleep you get does contribute to your brain health. Our brains struggle to do several functions without enough sleep, including communicating nerve cells (neurons). While you sleep, your brain and body are remarkably active. A recent study suggests that sleep helps to clean your brain of toxins that accumulate during the day and without enough sleep you carry over these toxins.

6. Meditation

Meditation may help to keep your brain feeling healthy and youthful. The practice, which has been practised for thousands of years, originated in Buddhism and contributes to lower stress levels through the reduction of brain cell volume in the amygdala. By focussing energy on a regular meditation practice, you will likely feel far more positive daily and you will help your brain to bring about more clarity and focus.