Our DNA is protected by a chromosomal shelter, but despite this, is still highly susceptible to damage. This damage can lead to a breakdown of DNA strands and crucial genetic mutations, those which are most associated with the development of diseases like cancer and poor all-around immune functionality and defence.
DNA does have another line of defence in the form of an enzyme known as PARP-1. When the DNA suffers damage, this enzyme is activated and carries out the repair within the DNA cells.
However, PARP-1 requires an enormous amount of energy to carry out the repairs – energy in the form of NAD+. If levels of NAD+ within cells are depleted, or at naturally low levels due to normal ageing, the ability of PARP-1 to carry out those crucial DNA repairs is severely hindered.
But two different animal-based studies have shown that increasing NAD+ within our cells restores the ability of PARP-1 to repair DNA cells and prevents cell death under stress. In fact, in the two studies, memory loss was shown to be delayed whilst lifespan was extended in test animals.
So to conclude, NAD+ directly influences our body’s ability to repair DNA by giving PARP-1 enzymes the energy they need to work.