National Stress Awareness Week

National Stress Awareness Week: How NAD+ supplements can help with stress

What is International Stress Awareness Week?

International Stress Awareness Week was created in 2018 to raise awareness about stress prevention. Stress Awareness Day (on 3rd November) is the highlight of the week, and this year marks 23 years since the day was established in 1998. International Stress Awareness week aims to shine a light on experiences people have with mental health challenges, and explores what can be done to help them. There is also a focus on the role of stress management professionals in alleviating stress, with practical and proven techniques for building resilience. In the largest known study on stress levels within the UK, undertaken in 2018, 74% of people said they have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Causes of stress

The same study highlighted the most common causes of stress:
  • 36% reported their own or a friend/relative's long-term health condition as a factor
  • 22% cited debt as a stressor
  • 12% said that feeling like they need to respond to messages instantly was a stressor
  • 49% of 18-24 year olds who have experienced high levels of stress, felt that comparing themselves to others was a source of stress
  • 36% of women who felt high levels of stress related this to their comfort with their appearance and body image, compared to 23% of men.
  • 32% of 18-24 year olds said housing worries are a key source of stress
  • 60% of 18-24 year olds reported higher stress related to the pressure to succeed

Getting help to manage stress

There are many ways you can deal with stress. Meditation, exercise, talk therapy and setting achievable goals are just some of the ways you can manage stress levels. But additionally, certain supplements can help you too. Studies have shown that increasing levels of NAD+ in your cells has benefits for your brain and body, including alleviating chronic stress.

Benefits of NAD+ supplements

NAD+ supplements provide an overall boost to our health and wellbeing in a number of ways that directly relate to how well we can manage stress. These include:
  • Helping to promote better sleep patterns and tackle insomnia
  • Boosting overall energy levels
  • Improving brain function and regeneration
  • Boosting mental health/easing anxiety
Our Optima Max range contains 100mg of pure NAD+ which pretty much replicates our innovative IV therapy treatments to give you the highest grade NAD+ supplements possible. These NAD+ supplements are a more convenient and cost-effective way of boosting your NAD+ levels and alleviating stress than coming into the clinic for an IV treatment. Browse our range of NAD+ supplements.
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